Too Much of a Good Thing?

Education and awareness about child abuse and child sexual abuse is s good thing. Helping people spot the signs of abuse, broach the subject with dignity, ask the right questions, and mostly handle suspected or acknowledged abuse victims with compassion and wisdom is of utmost...

The Historical Records

One of the silly movies I watch with my client is Galaxy Quest.  The Characters are supposed to be a sci-fi cast that had an actual encounter with extraterrestrials.  The aliens believe that the TV Shows that they received were actual historical records from earth.You...

Let’s Have a Conversation

I really hate politics.  The whole idea of manipulating people to achieve a goal is nauseating to me.  Playing people like chess, politicians use misinformation and disinformation far too often.Lest you think ProLife advocates are pure and undiluted, let’s look at HR36.Congress put forth a...