Believe What You Want!

We all do it. Most of us choose to believe what we want to about all sorts of things. We hope that we know what’s up. Sometimes, no matter what evidence you see, you believe what you want to.

For sure?

We want to believe our candidate is the best, the right one, and that they would never do anything dishonorable. Many believe what they tell us, even in the face of video or audio of that same candidate telling us the opposite. We still hope they will make things better.

Many expect the President of the US has the ability to turn the whole country around in a day. We believe that one person can fill enough positions to control everything instantly. We believe that the balance of powers will keep us from tyranny; that the Congress and Judiciary will keep us from a dictatorship.


We believe that we are a free country. Some, that the multitude of surveillance will help keep us safe. Cameras on our roads are appropriate means of keeping order. We trust that our taxes are paid to keep essential emergency services running and keep our infrastructure secure.

We think that the food we eat is nutritious. That the food industry is benevolent. We think that the choices we make are based on our own intellect and that we are not ever manipulated by advertising sales and media.

We believe that food service is always clean and healthy. The buildings are maintained at high standards and the food preparation areas are monitored closely. We hope that the preparers of the food are healthy, conscientious and meticulous.

We believe that the medical field is altruistic. Everyone who works in medical research has our best interests in mind. Some say that insurance is the best way to pay for medical care. We trust that medicine is guided by the Hippocratic Oath.

We believe that the care of human beings in every way outweighs every other consideration facing healthcare providers. That the preservation of life is the top priority for every clinician. Of course, no one claiming to offer care could have malevolent intentions.


We believe car manufacturers are always looking for the best value and safety. Mechanics are totally focused on our vehicles and all else fades away when they work on our car. The standards for safety, speed, handling, appearance, and affordability are all equal. Other drivers on the roads are as interested in getting to where they are going without incident as we are.

We believe that our news source is never wrong. They always research their stories and vet guest interviews. The stories they choose to tell us are important. The words they choose are honest and not biased. Video and graphics they use are for our benefit, to understand the facts of the story better and not to persuade us of a point of view.

We believe that it’s all relative. There is no absolute right and wrong, but a great wealth of variance. A Creator God is just a myth. He had no Son. Scripture is a heap of friendly suggestions for our benefit.

We believe that angels and demons and other dimensions were derived from the imaginations of elite Hollywood visionaries. People can put anything in our minds and nothing will impact us. We have everything under control.

Believe What You Want!

As for me, I am choosing to believe Scripture is the Truth and place my trust in the Lord Jesus for my salvation from this corrupt world. I am choosing the concept that this world is temporary and that I am eternal. I choose to believe that if I die today, I will go to heaven.

Alternatively, we evolved from mush and there is nothingness ahead.

If I’m wrong, I have lost nothing.

What do you believe?

  • Eleanor Kennelly Gaetan

    Terrific! This post made me smile AND think. Thank you for sharing it…

    April 21, 2020 at 4:13 pm

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