Hard Cases

I was staffing a table at the Women’s Expo, here in NH this spring when  young girl approached the booth.  We had a nice assortment of prenatal models and gestational development information.  We also had some birth control brochures and a basket full of models of preborn babies that are the size and appearance of 11-12 weeks to give to people.  We all develop slightly differently, right?

The girl looked around and said we had a nice display.  She had a friendly demeanor and she was very well spoken.  I asked her if she had any questions.  She said she did not and that she was on a debate team in college.  She went on to say that she had taken the ‘other’ side.

“Oh,” I said, “Why is that?”  “Well, I am prochoice in hard cases.” she said. “Like, what kind of cases?” I asked. Then I listened.

If a woman is raped and the kid will grow up poor or in an abusive situation, then they should be aborted. She explained it in cold, perfectly reasonable terms. As she spoke about the tragic circumstances that a child might grow up in, I nodded and motioned with my hand for her to keep talking.

“So, you think I should be killed?” I asked, in a tone that was curious, not angry, but challenging. “I am that kid.” I told her.

Why is it that people think it is ok to kill others, if their life will be hard?  No one I know has had everything easy.  “Everybody’s got stuff.” I say all the time.

I spoke with two candidates for office this week. Two candidates in one day told me that exceptions for rape and incest are irrelevant when I asked if they were 100% ProLife.  They are right, in a way.

NH has ZERO protection for any preborn babies.  Actually, there are no real protections for trafficked children, abused and coerced women in NH abortion clinics either.   There are no regulations, no licenses, no inspections of clinics, no required information for women before they submit to abortion.  The abortion vendors in NH have a free reign and supposedly monitor their business themselves.

“Are we going to debate Roe at the State House?” one of the candidates retorted.  I felt as if there is such an attitude of conclusion.  That NH will never protect our most vulnerable and it is preposterous to imagine a time when it would matter if they were actually 100% ProLife, no exceptions, no compromise.

The worst part is that the attitude is so pervasive throughout society.  Human life is so devalued, so trivial that children conspire to kill children.  We are so mixed up about the value of life that a person can go to prison for killing a dog, but others can kill babies right up until the moment of birth and be absolved of any blame.

I think it matters if you are 100% ProLife.

As resources contract and people are desperate, there may be others on the list of exceptions.  You may not kill another person, except in case of …  You name it.

The category of people legally killed is currently limited to the preborn, those hidden from view.  Many cases of children with devastating diagnoses have been hidden away to be killed in hospitals already.  We know of cases where our elderly have been neglected and killed to save resources.

I believe a huge part of the problem of reduced resources is that fact that we have killed scores of millions of people who could have come up with cures, inventions, systems and all kinds of marvels that could have propelled the world into a prosperous future. Instead we have wounded women, men stripped of their legacy and a culture with little regard for other people.

Who’s next?

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