
Political Bullies

Political bullying happens on both ends of the spectrum.  My conservative friends are quick to point out that the big banks, unions and Progressives use their leverage and dubious tactics to influence legislation and public policy.

My Friends, the people on the right are sometimes wrong too.  We hope that prolife, profamily, proliberty people are always honest and congruent, but on occasion, I have found them to be misguided. 

For instance, let’s look at a prolife state senator with exceptions.  He votes for prolife legislation with caveats. “except in case of rape, except in case of incest”.  He honestly believes that abortion is a mechanism of relief for women, a confused compassion that costs the lives of millions of healthy, innocent children. The senator has influence, not just in his vote, but his peers on the Ways and Means Committee look to him for guidance on bills they may or may not have time to read or if read, analyze.  He uses his influence to pressure others to vote and promote legislation that clearly demolishes prolife logic.

True prolife logic states that human beings should not be intentionally killed.  If only some are protected, then none are protected. Children conceived from assault are no less human than children conceived with wine and roses.  Women who have suffered assault and their children are all in need of protection and provision. 

Then, we should look to the prolife organizations that purport to want abortion to end.  When they influence legislators, don’t they always use clear logic, true morality and just reasoning?  Maybe.  On occasion, they engage in the same confused compassion.  In their reasoning, some babies might be saved if a law regulates abortion.  They apply pressure on legislators by the use of voter guides.  They often give the wrong impression of true Prolife legislators who refuse legislation that includes exceptions.  100% Prolife without exceptions legislators exist.  The voter guides don’t always declare exceptions.  Be aware.

Regulating abortion is not ending abortion.

Since when is it right to legislate how, when and where we can kill innocent human beings?  Oh, yeah, since the Supreme Court superseded the Constitution and Congress let it happen. The Supreme Court’s rulings have become law in direct opposition to our founding documents.  The Court decreed abortion on demand, any time for any reason.

The Court, nine men and women, bullied the whole country.  The various lobbyists now bully individual legislators.  We were a people ruled by law, now we are a people ruled by men. 

What does this mean for the USA?  Your guess is as good as mine.  

What would be your strategy?  Education?  Activism? Rebellion?  

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