I Understand

Sometimes, we just want someone to understand. We don't need platitudes or sermons. We don't want someone to fix everything. We don't even really want to commiserate. We just want someone to walk through it with.Whatever your 'it' is. Many people I know have suffered...

Carry On In Peace

Being frustrated all the time is very common in our society. Abuse survivors are numerous in our culture. We have a greater propensity toward perfectionism than that of the general population, because our sense of security and feeling in-control has been infringed upon.Everyone wants to...

What Walls?

We all have walls around our lives and around our hearts. Those who don't, live in chaos. Of course, I mean the intangible, invisible boundaries that keep us safe emotionally, spiritually and sometimes physically.Early in world history, walls were the primary defense for cities. They...

Winning Communication

What does it mean to win when communicating? I think it means successfully conveying the information necessary to create positive outcomes for all parties involved. I think most people want to make progress, because we value people. Those of us who have been abused might...