Being Present

Being present is the greatest gift. Cosmic Puns I love language, the way it can cause things to happen, how it moves people emotionally, what it represents, and it's multitude of affects.Life is very short. The Scriptures say our lives are like a vapor. We are here...

Words Are Not Enough

Words are not enough to fully understand one another. On occasion, text conveys perfectly, but most often body language, facial expressions, and other context clarifies. The best communication involves a multi-sensory experience. Blogs and Books Blogs and books may be excluded, because the length of text is...

Drop the Labels

Let's drop the labels and use concise descriptions of characteristics, rather than blanket, dehumanizing statements. Conservative Conservative as a description means a person generally prefers to maintain the systems and rules that have worked to preserve human rights in the past. That's not to say that conservative...