You’re ProLife

So, You think you’re ProLife…I have spent the past few days responding to frequently asked questions about life issues, mostly about abortion, but I also put a page together about euthanasia too.Having a written stand is good and presenting your self in social media and...


Attitude Adjustment

I have chronic pain from fibromyalgia.  It used to be called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and before that it was the Yuppy Flu.  It is a syndrome of a variety of symptoms that affect every system, from musculoskeletal to skin problems to gastrointestinal and neurological. Basically,...

Bring Comfort

  Having toddlers in the house is not the norm for us anymore.  We had grand babies stay with us for a week and it was a very busy time.  It was a wonderful visit.Today, my daughter brought some children over for lunch.  The baby...

Stay Positive

Staying positive without feeling selfish is such a struggle when it comes to ministry and prolife work.There is a time for everything under the sun: a time to work, a time to fight, a time to sow, a time to rise up, but there is...


We all need heroes.Everyone needs someone to look up to, someone to trust and admire and someone who will elevate them.  For me and for many of my friends who were conceived in violence, whether parented or adopted, pro lifers are heroes. They stand at the...


Stand Up, Step In

I have always loved living near the East Coast.  The brisk cold water that was so refreshing as a child has become too harsh for me in my older years.  A lot of things in life are like that.  We tolerate things differently as we mature.From childhood to...

Purposeful Movements

Sunlight peeks through the canopy of a hundred year old forest, gently piercing through to the path in front of me.  As I walk, the rocks and thicket cause me to carefully direct each step. Ahead the path splits and the light and shadows shift...


How do People Vote to Kill Children?

This week in Albuquerque New Mexico the people voted to allow 5 month old babies to be killed.  True that are 20 weeks and older in the womb. They haven't been born, but clearly they are babies and clearly they can feel and respond to their surroundings and...

Real Life

What is your real life? This may sound like a crazy question. It may be a crazy question.  It may be the only crazy question deserving of a thoughtful answer.  Obviously, if you are reading this, you spend time on the internet and engaging in some...